Part 2 C#.Net Interview questions and answers
Part 3 C#.Net Interview questions and answers
Part 4 C#.Net Interview questions and answers
Part 5 C#.Net Interview questions and answers
1. What is Object Oriented programming?
2. What is Object?
3. What is Class?
4. What are the Properties of OOP?
a) Abstraction
b) Encapsulation
c) Polymorphism
1) Static Polymorphism (Function Overloading)
2) Dynamic Polymorphism (Function Overriding)
d) Inheritance
1) Implementation
2) Interface
5. Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation?
6. Interview questions related to Inheritance
a) What is Inheritance Hierarchy?
b) Do .Net supports multiple inheritance?
c) Why don’t we have multiple inheritance in .Net?
d) How do you prevent a class from inherited?
e) If we inherit the class does the private variables also inherited?
7. Interview questions related to Abstract class and interface
a) What is Abstract class?
b) What is Interface?
c) Abstract class VS Interface
d) Advantage of abstract class n Interface
e) Disadvantage of abstract class n Interface
f) When to use abstract class n interface
g) What are Abstract properties
h) What is Explicit and default interface?
i) Do Interface have accessibility modifier?
j) Examples on Interface.
8. What is partial class?
a) Advantage and disadvantage of partial class
b) Important points of partial class
9. What are partial methods?
a) Use and Example
b) Important points of partial methods
c) Differ from events
10. Interview questions related to class and structure
a. What is nested class?
b. What are similarities between class and structure?
c. What are differences between class and structure?
d. Advantages of classes and structures?
e. Can you prevent class from overriding?
f. What is sealed class? What is private class? Sealed Class Vs Private class
Part 2 C#.Net Interview questions and answers
Part 3 C#.Net Interview questions and answers
Part 4 C#.Net Interview questions and answers
Part 5 C#.Net Interview questions and answers
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